
البروفيسور الملاح: 31 بحثاً علمياً في مجلات طبية عالمية.. حصاد العام 2014

التصنيف: الشباب

2015-01-04  04:10 م  615


البروفيسور الدكتور معاذ حسين الملاح: بفضل الله نشرت 31 بحثاً علمياً في مجلات طبية عالمية خلال العام 2014 (أسماء الأبحاث وتفاصيل نشرها مذكور أدناه..). البروفيسور الملاح يشغل منصب رئيس قسم تصوير القلب في مدينة الملك عبد العزيز الطبية (الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني) في العاصمة السعودية – الرياض، وهو أستاذ مشارك في كلية الطب – جامعة ولاية وين {Wayne State University} (أكبر كلية طب في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية), وهو زميل جمعية أطباء القلب الأمريكية.
1. Aladin AI, Whelton SP, Al-Mallah MH, Blaha MJ, Keteyian SJ, Juraschek SP, Rubin J, Brawner CA and Michos ED. Relation of Resting Heart Rate to Risk for All-Cause Mortality by Gender After considering Exercise Capacity (the Henry Ford Exercise Testing Project). The American journal of cardiology. 2014;114:1701-6.
2. Aljizeeri A, Suliman I and Al-Mallah MH. Positive vasodilator stress electrocardiogram does not always indicate obstructive coronary artery disease, the role of non-invasive myocardial flow reserve; 2014.
3. Al-Mallah MH. Does coronary CT angiography improve risk stratification over coronary artery calcium scoring in symptomatic patients with a low pre-test probability of coronary artery disease and a CAC of zero? Reply. European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. 2014;15:232-3.
4. Al-Mallah MH, Aljizeeri A, Alharthi M and Alsaileek A. Routine low-radiation-dose coronary computed tomography angiography; 2014.
5. Al-Mallah MH, Aljizeeri A, Suliman I, Alharthi M, Alhabshan F and Alsaileek A. Organization and metrics of the Division of Advanced Cardiac Imaging, King Abdulaziz Cardiac Center; 2014.
6. Al-Mallah MH, Keteyian SJ, Brawner CA, Whelton S and Blaha MJ. Rationale and design of the henry ford exercise testing project (the FIT project). Clinical cardiology. 2014;37:456-61.
7. Al-Mallah MH, Nasir K, Katz R, Lima JA, Bluemke DA, Blumenthal RS, Mao S, Hundley WG and Budoff MJ. Relation of thoracic aortic distensibility to left ventricular area (from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis [MESA]). The American journal of cardiology. 2014;113:178-82.
8. Al-Mallah MH, Qureshi W, Lin FY, Achenbach S, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Cademartiri F, Chinnaiyan K, Chow BJ, Cheng VY, Delago A, Gomez M, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Kaufmann PA, Leipsic J, Maffei E, Raff G, Shaw LJ, Villines TC, Cury RC, Feuchtner G, Plank F, Kim YJ, Dunning AM and Min JK. Does coronary CT angiography improve risk stratification over coronary calcium scoring in symptomatic patients with suspected coronary artery disease? Results from the prospective multicenter international CONFIRM registry. European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. 2014;15:267-74.
9. Al-Mallah MH, Qureshi W, Pantelic M and Nour K. Long term prognostic value of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography in suspected coronary artery disease: a 62 month median follow-up study. International journal of cardiology. 2014;176:1244-6.
10. Alsaileek A, Nasim M, Aljizeeri A, Alharthi M and Al-Mallah MH. Acute coronary syndrome or myocarditis? The role of multimodality imaging; 2014.
11. Alsaileek A, Nasim M, Aljizeeri A, Alharthi M and Al-Mallah MH. The role of delayed contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance in differentiating myocarditis from myocardial infarction; 2014.
12. Aneni EC, Roberson LL, Maziak W, Agatston AS, Feldman T, Rouseff M, Tran TH, Blumenthal RS, Blaha MJ, Blankstein R, Al-Mallah MH, Budoff MJ and Nasir K. A systematic review of internet-based worksite wellness approaches for cardiovascular disease risk management: outcomes, challenges & opportunities. PloS one. 2014;9:e83594.
13. Arsanjani R, Berman DS, Gransar H, Cheng VY, Dunning A, Lin FY, Achenbach S, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Cademartiri F, Chinnaiyan KM, Chow BJ, DeLago A, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Kaufmann P, LaBounty TM, Leipsic J, Raff G, Shaw LJ, Villines TC, Cury RC, Feuchtner G, Kim YJ, Min JK and Investigators C. Left ventricular function and volume with coronary CT angiography improves risk stratification and identification of patients at risk for incident mortality: results from 7758 patients in the prospective multinational CONFIRM observational cohort study. Radiology. 2014;273:70-7.
14. Bdeir B, Conboy T, Mukhtar A, Omer H, Odeh R, Farah I, Al-Khateeb M, Tayiem A, Dosari A and Al Mallah M. Impact of a Nurse-Led Heart Failure Program on All-Cause Mortality. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing. 2014.
15. Blaha MJ, Dardari ZA, Blumenthal RS, Martin SS, Nasir K and Al-Mallah MH. The new "intermediate risk" group: A comparative analysis of the new 2013 ACC/AHA risk assessment guidelines versus prior guidelines in men. Atherosclerosis. 2014;237:1-4.
16. Chinnaiyan KM, Bilolikar AN, Walsh E, Wood D, DePetris A, Gentry R, Boura J, Abbara S, Al-Mallah M, Bis K, Boswell G, Gallagher M, Arunakul IO, Halliburton S, Jacobs J, Lesser J, Schoepf UJ, Valeti US and Raff GL. CT dose reduction using prospectively triggered or fast-pitch spiral technique employed in cardiothoracic imaging (the CT dose study). Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography. 2014;8:205-14.
17. Cho I, Chang HJ, B OH, Shin S, Sung JM, Lin FY, Achenbach S, Heo R, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Callister TQ, Al-Mallah MH, Cademartiri F, Chinnaiyan K, Chow BJ, Dunning AM, DeLago A, Villines TC, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Leipsic J, Shaw LJ, Kaufmann PA, Cury RC, Feuchtner G, Kim YJ, Maffei E, Raff G, Pontone G, Andreini D and Min JK. Incremental prognostic utility of coronary CT angiography for asymptomatic patients based upon extent and severity of coronary artery calcium: results from the COronary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical Outcomes InteRnational Multicenter (CONFIRM) Study. European heart journal. 2014.
18. Crawford T, Mueller G, Sarsam S, Prasitdumrong H, Chaiyen N, Gu X, Schuller J, Kron J, Nour KA, Cheng A, Ji SY, Feinstein S, Gupta S, Ilg K, Sinno M, Abu-Hashish S, Al-Mallah M, Sauer WH, Ellenbogen K, Morady F and Bogun F. Magnetic resonance imaging for identifying patients with cardiac sarcoidosis and preserved or mildly reduced left ventricular function at risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Circulation Arrhythmia and electrophysiology. 2014;7:1109-15.
19. El-Hayek G, Benjo A, Uretsky S, Al-Mallah M, Cohen R, Bamira D, Chavez P, Nascimento F, Santana O, Patel R and Cavalcante JL. Meta-analysis of coronary computed tomography angiography versus standard of care strategy for the evaluation of low risk chest pain: Are randomized controlled trials and cohort studies showing the same evidence? International journal of cardiology. 2014;177:238-45.
20. Hulten E, Villines TC, Cheezum MK, Berman DS, Dunning A, Achenbach S, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Cademartiri F, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Cheng VY, Chinnaiyan K, Chow BJ, Cury RC, Delago A, Feuchtner G, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Kaufmann PA, Kim YJ, Leipsic J, Lin FY, Maffei E, Plank F, Raff GL, Shaw LJ, Min JK and Investigators C. Calcium score, coronary artery disease extent and severity, and clinical outcomes among low Framingham risk patients with low vs high lifetime risk: results from the CONFIRM registry. Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology. 2014;21:29-37; quiz 38-9.
21. Hung RK, Al-Mallah MH, McEvoy JW, Whelton SP, Blumenthal RS, Nasir K, Schairer JR, Brawner C, Alam M, Keteyian SJ and Blaha MJ. Prognostic Value of Exercise Capacity in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: The FIT (Henry Ford ExercIse Testing) Project. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2014;89:1644-54.
22. Juraschek SP, Blaha MJ, Whelton SP, Blumenthal R, Jones SR, Keteyian SJ, Schairer J, Brawner CA and Al-Mallah MH. Physical Fitness and Hypertension in a Population at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: The Henry Ford ExercIse Testing (FIT) Project. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2014;3.
23. Leipsic J, Taylor CM, Gransar H, Shaw LJ, Ahmadi A, Thompson A, Humphries K, Berman DS, Hausleiter J, Achenbach S, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Cademartiri F, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Chow BJ, Cury RC, Delago AJ, Dunning AL, Feuchtner GM, Hadamitzky M, Kaufmann PA, Lin FY, Chinnaiyan KM, Maffei E, Raff GL, Villines TC, Gomez MJ and Min JK. Sex-based prognostic implications of nonobstructive coronary artery disease: results from the international multicenter CONFIRM study. Radiology. 2014;273:393-400.
24. Min JK, Labounty TM, Gomez MJ, Achenbach S, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Cademartiri F, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Cheng V, Chinnaiyan KM, Chow B, Cury R, Delago A, Dunning A, Feuchtner G, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Kaufmann P, Kim YJ, Leipsic J, Lin FY, Maffei E, Raff G, Shaw LJ, Villines TC and Berman DS. Incremental prognostic value of coronary computed tomographic angiography over coronary artery calcium score for risk prediction of major adverse cardiac events in asymptomatic diabetic individuals. Atherosclerosis. 2014;232:298-304.
25. Nakazato R, Arsanjani R, Achenbach S, Gransar H, Cheng VY, Dunning A, Lin FY, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Cademartiri F, Chinnaiyan K, Chow BJ, Delago A, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Kaufmann P, Raff G, Shaw LJ, Villines T, Cury RC, Feuchtner G, Kim YJ, Leipsic J, Berman DS and Min JK. Age-related risk of major adverse cardiac event risk and coronary artery disease extent and severity by coronary CT angiography: results from 15 187 patients from the International Multisite CONFIRM Study. European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. 2014;15:586-94.
26. Otaki Y, Gransar H, Cheng VY, Dey D, Labounty T, Lin FY, Achenbach S, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Cademartiri F, Callister TQ, Chang H, Chinnaiyan K, Chow BJ, Delago A, Hadamitzky M, Hausleiter J, Kaufmann P, Maffei E, Raff G, Shaw LJ, Villines TC, Dunning A, Cury RC, Feuchtner G, Kim Y, Leipsic J, Berman DS and Min JK. Gender differences in the prevalence, severity, and composition of coronary artery disease in the young: a study of 1635 individuals undergoing coronary CT angiography from the prospective, multinational confirm registry. European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. 2014.
27. Pandey AK, Blaha MJ, Sharma K, Rivera J, Budoff MJ, Blankstein R, Al-Mallah M, Wong ND, Shaw L, Carr J, O'Leary D, Lima JA, Szklo M, Blumenthal RS and Nasir K. Family history of coronary heart disease and the incidence and progression of coronary artery calcification: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Atherosclerosis. 2014;232:369-76.
28. Roberson LL, Aneni EC, Maziak W, Agatston A, Feldman T, Rouseff M, Tran T, Blaha MJ, Santos RD, Sposito A, Al-Mallah MH, Blankstein R, Budoff MJ and Nasir K. Beyond BMI: The "Metabolically healthy obese" phenotype & its association with clinical/subclinical cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality -- a systematic review. BMC public health. 2014;14:14.
29. Shah S, Bellam N, Leipsic J, Berman DS, Quyyumi A, Hausleiter J, Achenbach S, Al-Mallah M, Budoff MJ, Cademartiri F, Callister TQ, Chang HJ, Chow BJ, Cury RC, Delago AJ, Dunning AL, Feuchtner GM, Hadamitzky M, Karlsberg RP, Kaufmann PA, Lin FY, Chinnaiyan KM, Maffei E, Raff GL, Villines TC, Gomez MJ, Min JK, Shaw LJ and Investigators C. Prognostic significance of calcified plaque among symptomatic patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease. Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology. 2014;21:453-66.
30. Suliman I, AlJizeeri A, Naseem M, Naveed M, AlZaibag M and Al-Mallah M. The yield, safety and prognostic value of myocardial perfusion imaging with positron emission tomography for risk stratification of high risk chest pain patients. Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology. 2014.
31. Whelton SP, Narla V, Blaha MJ, Nasir K, Blumenthal RS, Jenny NS, Al-Mallah MH and Michos ED. Association between resting heart rate and inflammatory biomarkers (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and fibrinogen) (from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis). The American journal of cardiology. 2014;113:644-9.


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